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March 2022

1 YEAR AGO (almost exactly) we announced the launch of Solomon’s Porch on social media and we also became an official 501(c)3.

Today, it brings tears to my eyes to share that by the grace of God we have obtained and moved into THE PROPERTY OF SOLOMON’S PORCH! ONE. YEAR. LATER. The way that it has all unfolded so quickly could only be the work of the Lord and we give Him all the glory and praise. We will share more in the weeks to come, but I want to share this story first…

The day after we found out we acquired the property, I went upstairs to the kids room and I saw a notebook open on my daughter’s bed, it was her journal, and all it said in large letters was, “THANK YOU Lord!” And I was immediately brought to tears, because all of the moves, the sacrifice, the letting go of what we thought would be, and holding onto the belief that God could do more than we ever thought or imagined and bring the vision of Solomon’s Porch to fruition, it's become reality.

The most important part is that my children, who cried and prayed and believed with us, get to experience God's faithfulness. They know that His promises are true. That He is a good Father. They learned to trust Him even when it didn't make sense. And then, most importantly, they learned to thank and praise Him first for it all. We constantly remind them it’s all for HIS Glory. He has entrusted this to us to do His will and we are so incredibly grateful to play a part.

And we invite YOU on this journey with our family as we begin to share different parts of the property and the vision behind each space. More adventure awaits, thank you for your prayers and encouragement and love and support. We cannot do this alone or on our own!

Would you join us in prayer for…

• The people that step foot onto the property would be engulfed in the Love of the Father

• His presence would be so thick and that His glory would rest upon it

• Favor with the town, to be able to do the things that are needed for our residents

• Those that will eventually be residents, prepare their hearts Lord

• Our family for wisdom, discernment, strength and perseverance

Love, The Kasinskas Family 🧡

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