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Heart Healing [May 2021 Bonus]

Good Morning Everyone!

Heart healing has come up in multiple conversations this week - God is doing a NEW thing. I sent this message to a friend recently, but I believe it's relevant for many of us regarding the heart.

It's so important to pursue heart healing. The Bible says in Luke that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. If our hearts are filled with bitterness and anger and unforgiveness those things are going to cloud our beliefs about ourselves and about others.

So often as we grow up we experience hurt and pain and even trauma, and because of that we build walls to guard our heart. But the same walls we build to keep people out, also keep us trapped in, and they keep God out of the depths of our pain. But God is a gentleman, He knows our hearts but He wants to be invited into the pain of our past so He can heal and restore you.

Two of my favorite quotes that are so TRUE are "wounds concealed are wounds unhealed" and "we are destined to repeat what we do not heal from." Healing is here and readily available! There is so much FREEDOM in it.

I encourage you to pray to God and ask Him to expose the areas of your heart that have been closed off, that have been wounded, and to reveal the specific false belief systems that have been formed: for example rejection. Because of the pain you've experienced with rejection, you have formed a belief system that you are rejected, you reject yourself and you believe others reject you. But that is not true. God did not design you that way. His truth is you are LOVED. You are CHOSEN. You are WORTHY. You are ACCEPTED in Christ.

Fill in the blank here. For you, it may not be rejection. It be detachment, abandonment, abuse, etc. All of these relational wounds form false belief systems within our heart and we see things not as they are but through the lens of our wounding. Ask Him into those places and allow Him to heal them. Then, replace the lies you believed with the TRUTH of His word. Renew your mind, daily, hourly, ALL the time.

I pray that as you seek Him first. In everything you do. As the ONE, true God and authority in your life, He will give you peace, He will heal your wounds and restore you back to your original design. He has gifted you, He has given you favor. Surrender ALL to Him, including your future. As you begin to let Him heal you, you will have clarity on what His plans are for your life. What your destiny is. Daily, ask Him what your assignment is.

Also, if and when you feel depressed or rejected, use the weapons of warfare He has given us; the WORD, prayer (and fasting), and WORSHIP. Don't leave any door open for the enemy to attack. Armor UP (Ephesians 6).

You are a Child of the KING. He loves you. I love you!

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