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February 2022


I remember a moment so vividly in this journey that lead us to where we are now. It was years ago, when we were still hoping to adopt our first foster child. We had just met with him at the agency, and in a powerful moment, while the social worker stood onlooking, Adam, myself and the biological father prayed together, and he proceeded to tell us that he would be willing to sign his rights over to us for his son. It was everything we wanted but yet the broken weight behind it all was overwhelming.

As I left and got into the passenger side of the big white van we were driving at the time, I sat down and the Lord brought to my mind my foster son, as a grown boy, asking us why we helped him, but not his father. Why did you adopt me, love me, care for me, but do nothing for my own flesh and blood, my dad?

What. About. Him.

And that marked me. It was the beginning of the heart transformation that took place in my own heart. And here we are now. Thankful for what He has done, is doing, and will do.



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