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December 2021

Updated: Nov 10, 2022

Family isn’t always blood, it’s the people in your life who want you in theirs: the ones who accept you for who you are, the ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.” Maya Angelou

A friend posted this the other day, and I felt it. I remember a little more than a year ago now, Adam and I moved to Milwaukee, just following the leading of the Holy Spirit. We had been attending a church near our new neighborhood, and then one Sunday, we felt in our spirits (when you know you know) the Lord was leading us out of the physical church building. Although I didn’t have a full understanding, we were obedient. I remember feeling a bit displaced, new home, no church, lots of things were so different due to covid. I wasn’t sure what the Lord was doing but I prayed He would give us direction and clarity.

The very next weekend, we were invited to a BBQ with a well known Milwaukee evangelism group. A little hesitant to go, knowing absolutely no one and not sure how we’d be received, we went! And were welcomed with open arms. Everyone was so friendly, eager to get to know us, and it was just comfortable. The next morning we were invited to a bible study/home church group, and again, it was the same. The people there were so kind, and they were serious about their relationship with Jesus. The depth of their intimacy with the Father was evident as was their knowledge of the Word. We’ve been a part of that group every since. It has grown here and there, there have been some that have come and gone, but our eyes and our hearts have been postured towards Jesus.

The Lord has been constantly humbling me, stretching me, deepening my faith and teaching me through these people, this community, this family. I have learned that conflict doesn’t have to be scary, it is possible to have healthy, God honoring conversations, even when there is disagreements, and that “shoving things under the rug” is not a proper way to deal with conflict. I’ve learned that it is more important to speak the truth in love than it is to be liked. To be accepting of any and all but not be afraid to tell them the truth if it means saving their soul.

I have learned that if I want to know the Word and if I desire greater intimacy with the Lord than I have to put in the effort. Knowing Him comes from spending time with Him, and nothing else is more important. I have learned that I love cooking and hosting large groups of people, the Lord is fine tuning my gift of hospitality. I have learned that you show up, you step up, and meet each other’s needs when a need arises, sickness, death, disability, whatever it is. I have gained confidence in reading the word, in my prayers, in my witnessing, and in my worship. I have learned that it doesn’t matter what your singing sounds like when you’re worshipping God with your whole heart.

There’s so much more, but last I’ll say that this season, this group, this whole church community has taught me that family isn’t always blood, but it’s people who love you like they are and love Jesus even more. We are so grateful.

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